Please note: Customer service is closed Monday, February 17th for Family Day. Our Internet Helpdesk is still available by phone 9AM — 5PM.

Flat Rate Calling

Now enjoy flat rate long distance calling to many communities in the Kawarthas with NEXICOM'S FLAT RATE LONG DISTANCE. Unlimited flat rate calling from a service provider you can depend on.

How Unlimited Flat Rate Calling Works
Sign up for our Flat-Rate Planand we'll give you a special access code.
Dial this special access code and wait for a dial tone.
Dial any number within your package area and your call will connect at a low monthly flat rate.

Service Details

Key Features
Unlimited Calling
Guaranteed Price for 1 Year
CRTC Approved
No Long-Term Contract


Package A - Peterborough County
One-Way Calling
Two-Way Calling
You will be able to dial all phone numbers with the prefixes listed below:
Apsley - 656
Bailieboro - 939
Bethany - 277
Bridgenorth - 292
Buckhorn - 657
Burleigh Falls - 654
Campbellford - 632, 653
Cavan - 944
Cobourg - 905, 435
Hastings - 696
Havelock - 778
Keene - 295
Lakefield - 652
Millbrook - 932
Nephton - 877
Norwood - 639
Omemee - 799
Port Hope - 905, 436
Warkworth - 924
Package B - Oshawa/Lindsay/Blackstock
You will be able to dial all phone numbers with the prefixes listed below:

324, 328, 340, 341, 344, 878, 879


213, 242, 243, 259, 260, 261, 404, 429, 431, 432, 433, 435, 436, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 447, 448, 449, 571, 576, 579, 644, 674, 718, 720, 721, 722, 723, 725, 728, 809, 924, 925, 992

Additional Information

Pricing Notice

The prices listed do not include HST

To order service or speak to a representative

Call 705-775-NEXI (6394) or e-mail

Consent Preferences